From opt-out Philly. If you are interested in more information email
Just wanted to share this brand new video from Mark Naison, a professor at Fordham, on the harm done by Standardized Testing:
And the Opt Out Philly parent video from last year:
PSSA Testing in PA starts a week from Monday on April 11th. We have over 350 people on this list. Imagine what could happen if each of us does ONE or more of these things next week?
1. Share information on social media. Remind people they can obtain a refusal letter and instructions on where to send it by emailing
2. Send personal emails with the to parents of students in grades 3-8 with whom you have a friend/family connection. If they need moral support, direct them to the PA Opt Out FB group: and the Opt Out Philly FB group:
3. Hand out refusal forms in the school yard before or after school or at a school event this coming week. You can print them out here (including a Spanish version):
4. If you are opting your child out, talk about it publicly. Show people it's not a scary process and it can be very empowering.
5. Document if possible through photos what the conditions of your child's school are like during testing and share that information out. It won't stop until we are willing to take firm actions to bring the harm done by high-stakes testing to an end.
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