March 4, 2015

Family School Pride #ThankATeacher2015


National Teacher Appreciation Day is Tuesday, May 5, 2015. #thankateacher
That gives you time to prepare and do something special for the teacher or teachers who work to assist in creating socially productive citizens of our country. Teachers don’t make tons of money but they do makes tons of difference in our society. You have time to find out what the teacher may need in the classroom and be able to get some parents together to obtain the need. When you build a relationship with your youths teacher you empower the teacher to reach your youth highest capabilities, in return the family grows as productive citizens.


If you are not sure on how to connect with your teachers, contact the Home and School Association and get tips and advice for building these important relationships. Random Acts of Kindness Foundation would like for you to share your kind deeds with them during the month of march!!


We’d love to add real life to the photos we feature on our website and we’d love your help! The last week of each month we’ll feature three topics and ask for your best photo interpretation. Not only will this be fun to see how each of us captures each subject, we’ll pick one picture from those submitted and feature on our website next to the corresponding kindness idea/day. Example: Earth Day could be a picture of someone picking up trash, recycling, hugging a tree, etc.
MARCH 1-8: Celebrate International Women’s Day (March 8, 2015) all week long! Celebrate the amazing women in your life: family, friends, teachers, coworkers, etc... Send a card, deliver a fancy cupcake, or just pick up the phone-reach out with some gratitude and affection. Give unexpectedly and wholeheartedly.
MARCH 9-15: Fun and Kind Project idea–Positive Painted Rocks. Gather small rounded rocks, different colors of paint, and a permanent writing utensil. Paint your rocks solid, strips, or polka dots, or any other way you choose. Once dry, write a positive word or message, or draw a picture. Take your positive painted rocks and randomly leave for some lucky stranger to find. For inspiration, Google, Positive Painted Rocks and look under images.
MARCH 16-22: March 19th is Absolutely Incredible Kid Day. Every child deserves the chance to feel special. “Absolutely Incredible Kid Day is a national letter-writing campaign where kids receive letters of support, love and encouragement from parents and adults. It only takes a few minutes to jot a note that will be remembered and appreciated for a lifetime. The positive impact of these letters on kids is what this day is all about.”
MARCH 23-31: KINDNESS PHOTOS: Give us your best shot of kindness around the following subjects: 1) Earth Day, 2) Hug a Friend Day and 3) National Teachers Day. Post your pictures on the RAKtivist community page or email them to for a chance to be featured.
RAKtivists often ask, "Do I really need to document my acts of kindness?" No, you don't have to, but, we encourage you to do so! Why? Because action inspires action. Your posts encourage others to spread kindness. PLUS we are now going to post your acts of kindness on our blog. The only way we can post is if we know about them!
After completing a RAKtivist mission, notify us by posting it in the RAKtivist Facebook group, tweeting us @RAKFoundation with hashtag #RAKtivist or emailing Since we are now posting acts of kindness on our blog, please include any photos or videos.
As we celebrate the New Year, we want to thank YOU for your generous kindness and enthusiasm for leaving this world better than you found it.
The RAK Team

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