September 5, 2016


The consumption of sugar sweetened beverages has dramatically increased recently and this corresponds to obesity in children and adolescents in the U.S. Research from the Health Studies of Harvard Medical School Health Professionals follow-up Study Newsletter, Winter 2013 has provided scientific evidence on the adverse effects these beverages have on body weight and related chronic diseases. Sugar sweetened beverages are defined as soft drinks or energy drinks that contain added sugar, high fructose corn syrup or fruit juice concentrates. Together, they are the largest source of added sugar in the U.S. diet...

with average levels exceeding the American Heart Association’s recommendations for all added sugar. That is, a maximum of 100-150 calories per day. On average, a typical 12 ounce can of soda contains 140-150 calories and approximately 35 grams of sugar, equivalent to around 10 teaspoons. One of the most direct effects of sugar sweetened beverages on the body is weight gain because the liquid calories are not filling, and food intake is not found to be reduced at subsequent meals. The weight gain attributable to these drinks can accumulate over time and have serious implications for more severe health conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease. Does all this mean that artificial sweeteners are the answer? Not really. More of that in a future blog when I will be discussing more about the health and well being of our kids.

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